If you want to convert all your Outlook OST files to PST format then, get OST to PST Converter by USL Software because only this tool has the most powerful and latest technology which is capable of pulling off this feat. The tool has been designed to carry every content of Outlook OST database along in the conversion fold and not leave out any.
OST to PST Converter Features
This tool has other merits to consider too but we will come to that later. First, let’s see how OST Extractor Pro achieves its complete conversion feat.
Texts (Email Body)
OST Extractor Pro is can be relied upon for converting texts. Most tools are compatible with converting texts but because of the vulnerability of this type of content, mediocre tools fail in protecting them. OST to PST Converter has the perfect set of equipment’s which are required to secure and convert Outlook OST databases’ texts. Thus, OST Extractor Pro is also able to preserve the originality of these texts which is always a treat for customers.
Attachments are always tough to convert because of their huge variety which is why many mediocre tools opt for the safer way of not-converting-attachments. However, OST to PST Converter converts attachments and also, does not subject them to any kind of alteration at all. Every attachment retains its nature and originality, even the confidential ones.
Unicode content
Now this feature is what set OST to PST Converter apart from average tools. OST to PST Converter supports Unicode content which is becoming one of the most sought after feature in a tool in this globalization world. Out multi-language community has been breaking the barrier of one-language-for-easy-communication and thus, many non-English content has entered people’s databases. OST to PST Converter can convert all such non-English content with full accuracy.
Metadata content
To achieve perfection in complete conversion, OST to PST Converter even converts minute content like To, Cc Bcc. Nothing is left out of the conversion fold of OST to PST Converter.
Other merits of OST to PST Converter
Databases’ safety is properly maintained and no threat is able to even touch them when converted with OST Extractor Pro.
OST Extractor Pro’s accuracy is impeccable. It retains the usefulness of every data that it converts by not changing it in any way.
The speed of OST Extractor Pro is so brisk that the pleasantness of the whole process enhances substantially. You can convert Outlook OST file to PST format of Windows Outlook in just a matter of minutes.
OST to PST Converter free trial version
To ease your investment in this tool, USL Software has offered a free trial version which will give you a fair picture of its processing without any stress at all. Try it now at http://www.ostextractorpro.com/.
Try this OST to PST converter (OST Extractor Pro) for hassle free recover your ost data.
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